Tactical EMS Officer I
This course is designed to provide students with entry level knowledge of multiple types of, tactical/austere events, available agencies and agency resources, geographical and population concerns, and the initial management plans of austere operations from a mid-level officer perspective. At the completion of this course, students will have a better understanding of tactical/austere events and how they apply to everyday EMS operations, how to begin planning to establish a local program, and gain experience in various roles within the Incident Command Structure during a large-scale incident. This course will prepare and qualify the student to attend other specialty courses within this series.

Tactical EMS Officer II

Tactical EMS Officer II - Operations Development
This course is the breakdown of the management of larger strategic planning and pre-austere/tactical event preparation with a specific focus on standard operating guideline development, logistics, budgeting, resource allocation, networking, contingency planning, and training.

Tactical EMS Officer II - Managing Mass Casualty Incidents
This course utilizes multiple staged scenarios/sand table exercises that are designed to allow students to participate in the ICS command staff during an MCI. This course begins the implementation of the strategic planning learned in the Operations Development course at the tactical level. Topics of focus include threat mitigation, safety, flexibility, and PACE algorithm thought process. This course includes subject matter experts with extensive ICS experience.

Tactical EMS Officer II – Program Development Workshop
This final course will have students exhibit their gained knowledge in managing a large-scale austere incident with the tools and resources they have developed over the course series. Subject matter experts will assist in evaluation of pre-planning, incident and resource management, threat mitigation, and all other facets in MCI/large-scale incident management. The students will present their finalized tactical/operational plans for guidance. PIERCE and EMS Wizard are not approving authorities and will only advise.